Tampermonkey® by Jan Biniok


Implemented fixes for Safari if host permissions are limited
Added a warning message when a script without @include and @match entry is saved the first time
Introduced a permission editor for enhanced management of host permissions
Removed use of deprecated DOMNodeInserted and MutationEvent events
Addressed problems related to script installation from certain Gitlab URLs
Refactored version number parser to support ISO format dates
Note: As a result of this change, 1.0-0.3 is now considered a lower version number than 1.0
Introduced GM_notification tag to overwrite existing notifications
Added GM_notification url property to open a new tab on click (can be cancelled by onClick event via preventDefault)
Notifications now automatically close when the userscript unloads and neither a url nor a tag was specified
Added GM_registerMenuCommand id parameter to update existing commands
Introduced GM_registerMenuCommand title parameter
User-defined globals are now accepted in ESLint configuration
Enhanced sandbox window addEventListener to support EventListenerObjects
Added script version number when saving a script to disk
Locally modified scripts will not be updated automatically, but can now be reverted through a manual update and confirmation
Fixed GM_xmlhttpRequest FormData key-value order
Adjusted ESLint to allow top-level await
New GreasyFork script URLs are now detected
Show an error icon at scripts without any @include and @match entry
Corrected 'replace all' functionality in code editor for certain strings
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to maboroshin and shirayuki
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Updated Danish translation | thanks to jhertel
Updated Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to PaperStrike
Updated Russian translation | thanks to adem4ik
Updated Vietnamese translation | thanks to IoeCmcomc
Updated Russian translation | thanks to ACherepkov1989
Updated Turkish translation | thanks to selimsumlu
Updated Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to 5idereal
Updated French translation | thanks to Juknum
Implemented fixes for Safari 17 and macOS Sonoma
Introduced a title option to GM_registerMenuCommand
Although locally modified scripts are not updated automatically, they can now be reverted through a manual update and confirmation
Added an option to GM_registerMenuCommand to prevent automatic closing of the popup on click
Corrected the key-value order in GM_xmlhttpRequest FormData
Fixed Safari version display in GM_info.userAgentData
Enhanced search-as-you-type to always start from the current position
Updated Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to 5idereal
Updated French translation | thanks to Juknum
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Updated Russian translation | thanks to ACherepkov1989
Updated Turkish translation | thanks to selimsumlu
Enabled downloading of cloud backups
Corrected GM_deleteValue to ensure values are deleted in the background
Enhanced the storage editor to display undefined values
Performed internal cleanup and rework in preparation for manifest v3
Updated ESLint to version 8.32.0
Introduced @sandbox support with possible values 'raw', 'JavaScript', and 'DOM'
Removed delayed event dispatching for document-start scripts executed later than the 'DOMContentLoaded' event
Eliminated toSource object prototype compatibility option
Fixed handling of @resource SVGs
Added additional editor shortcuts
Replaced GM_setTab with the documented GM_saveTab call
Meet Tam, your new assistant for getting started
Search within the editor as you type
Ensured editor search results are scrolled into view
Added confirmation for script deletion in the dashboard when trash is disabled
Enabled closing of script tabs via middle mouse click
Added a close button to the headers of additional dialogs
Corrected script toggle element for darker themes
Resolved issues related to enabling and disabling sync
Fixed a bug where script updates were disabled on sync-triggered change imports
Added an access token revoke button for additional cloud storage types
Note: Ensure you sign out from the service first if you wish to login with another account.
Displayed script sync log messages on the settings page
Dropbox: Prevented upload of duplicate content
Corrected script site icons
Fixed Dropbox sync issues
Resolved various script execution issues
Added Macedonian translation | thanks to EntityPlantt
Added Hellenic (Greek) translation | thanks to panos78
Updated Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to iskandarma
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to DavidBrazSan
Updated Russian translation | thanks to vanja-san
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Updated Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to gin3715
Updated Russian translation | thanks to Tyemak
Updated Danish translation | thanks to jhertel
Improved compatibility for userstyles installed as userscript
Make trash configurable (on/off/session only)
Allow GM_getValue to return undefined as value
Improve JavaScript scriptlet support via @unwrap tag
Add MouseEvent/KeyboardEvent argument to GM_registerMenuCommand callbacks
Use up to ES2022 for linting if supported by the browser
Update ESLint
Make cloud service re-authentication without user intervention less disturbing
Shift key + mouse click based multi select
Dark mode improvements
Prefer an explicit set @name:en over @name
Show localized userscript name and description if available where possible
Update page title if script is renamed by save
Keep CRLF line endings on edit
Use eslint-plugin-userscripts to highlight userscript header issues
Fix storage 'Reload' button and add 'Reset'
Show script and external resources size in dashboard
Show last updated time as relative time if within 4 weeks or as absolute date otherwise
Fix darker theme quirk
Fix favicons with transparent background
Improve editor menu if advanced editor is disabled
Fix script positioning via drag and drop
Decrease extension size by removing jQuery dependency
Add a button to force a sync
Update Russian translation | thanks to wvxwxvw
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to ndbiaw and SiderealArt
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to dnknn
Update French translation | thanks to omerien
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Hindi translation | thanks to Yash-Singh1
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to xiaopangju
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Danish translation | thanks to will2022
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Userscript Search integration
(search on popup menu entry click, on popup menu open or always)
Improve topbar announcements to not hide existing messages
@antifeature support
GM_xmlhttpRequest data might be available at readyState 3 now
Add option whether to import script data and/or externals
Disable automatic script update on script modification
Internal rework
Use ES2020 for linting if supported by browser
Update ESLint
Update CodeMirror editor to version 5.58.2
Update JSZip to 3.5.0
Improve search bar to not hide script content
Add option to automatically highlight selected or hovered words
Fix the 'Find Next' button after search was opened
Fix flashing layout shift if an @include's favicon can't be loaded
Remember the last chosen cloud storage at the 'Utilities' tab
Make the 'Dashboard' item's alt action (Ctrl+Click, middle or right mouse click) open it with the current tab's URL as filter
Add script trash
Add an option to add the current domain to the blacklisted pages list
Add a reload button to the script storage tab
Update darker theme | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Add Danish translation | thanks to will2022
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to xiaopangju
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to asthzh
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to ff98sha
Update Russian translation | thanks to wvxwxvw
Update Vietnamese translation | thanks to IoeCmcomc
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to CaveNightingale, Vstory and xiaopangju
Update Russian translation | thanks to vanja-san
Update French translation | thanks to omerien
Update Arabic translation | thanks to naqqo6i
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to ReksaTresna
Update Ukrainian translation | thanks to toplinden