Tampermonkey® by Jan Biniok

Cambios recientes

Tag support
Added @run-in support
Added a setting to control whether GM_cookie should be able to access HttpOnly cookies
Added button to force update externals
Added multi-value support for storage methods
Fixed header-derived filenames in GM_download
Reworked counting of executed script instances
Enhanced back/forward cache navigation handling
Fixed an GM_registerMenuCommand issue with non-letter accessKeys
Added partitionKey support to GM_cookie
Added cookiePartition support to GM_xmlhttpRequest
Added a warning message when a script without @include and @match entry is saved the first time
Fixed storage change listeners after clicking a download link
Fixed issues with GM_registerMenuCommand if the command was registered multiple times (e.g. from different frames)
Added a button to disable script updates at the update dialog
Improved editor search functionality
Fixed code selection near the top and bottom of the editor
Fixed editor height issue in mobile views
Show an error icon at scripts without any @include and @match entry
Fixed synchronization issues with WebDAV
Updated Ukrainian translation | thanks to Postrediori
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Introduced a permission editor for enhanced management of host permissions
Updated GM_download to make the name parameter optional and implemented extraction from the response headers
Removed use of deprecated DOMNodeInserted and MutationEvent events
Resolved issues related to menu commands that were unregistered instantly
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Updated GM_download to initiate downloads in parallel again
Resolved a failure when accessing xhr.responseXML of HTTP responses
Repaired the 'Sync Now' button
Corrected the 'Save To Disk' button in the editor
Implemented anonymous requests for WebDAV to prevent overwriting of browser sessions
Fixed WebDAV-based sync in cases of unexpected existing folder structures
Reworked to reduce some authentication requests
Enhanced mobile device detection
Disabled unintended debug logging
Fixed the menu command to consistently call the correct callback after a background restart
Updated Danish translation | thanks to jhertel
Updated Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to PaperStrike
Resolved issue with GM_notification url property when no onclick listener is set
No longer displaying script modification conflict warnings when there's no conflict
Resolved an issue with Instant Injection mode when a script requires a local file
Addressed problems related to script installation from certain Gitlab URLs
Removed warning about script updates being disabled upon script modification
Restored application of custom CSS to installation pages
Resolved quirks in the darker theme
Corrected 'replace all' functionality in code editor for certain strings
Support for the Tampermonkey Editors extension, which will enable userscript editing at Visual Studio Code Online (vscode.dev)
Modified GM_openInTab to prevent opening new tabs on event page reloads
Fixed crashes when 'Never remember history' or 'Always use Private Browsing Mode' is enabled
Updated Russian translation | thanks to adem4ik
Updated Vietnamese translation | thanks to IoeCmcomc
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to maboroshin and shirayuki
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Known Issues
GM_download starts downloads serialized
Firefox >= 78
Content-security-policy (CSP) directives are no longer relaxed by default
  • If the page CSP blocks inline injection, a nonce is added to the CSP to allow script injection.
    Otherwise, userscripts are now injected into a JavaScript-mode @sandbox, which might necessitate cloneInto and similar functions for unsafeWindow property modification
  • The previous behavior can be reinstated by setting 'Modify existing content security policy (CSP) headers' to 'Yes'
Firefox 78 is now required, as it can handle the manifest key gecko_android necessary for Android compatibility
Transitioned to a non-persistent event page
Resolved several internal issues that could potentially cause crashes
Refactored version number parser to support ISO format dates
Note: As a result of this change, 1.0-0.3 is now considered a lower version number than 1.0
Fixed window.showDirectoryPicker
Introduced GM_notification tag to overwrite existing notifications
Added GM_notification url property to open a new tab on click (can be cancelled by onClick event via preventDefault)
Notifications now automatically close when the userscript unloads and neither a url nor a tag was specified
Added GM_registerMenuCommand id parameter to update existing commands
Introduced GM_registerMenuCommand title parameter
Added an option to GM_registerMenuCommand to prevent automatic popup closure on click
Fixed GM_download to prevent onload from firing too frequently
Performed rework related to Instant Navigation
User-defined globals are now accepted in ESLint configuration
Enhanced sandbox window addEventListener to support EventListenerObjects
Added script version number when saving a script to disk
Locally modified scripts will not be updated automatically, but can now be reverted through a manual update and confirmation
Fixed GM_xmlhttpRequest FormData key-value order
Adjusted ESLint to allow top-level await
Resolved BSD issue due to incorrect getPlatformInfo response
New GreasyFork script URLs are now detected
Sync now and sync reset are only enabled after changes have been saved
Fixed script search badge mode to display accurate numbers
Tabs can now be scrolled horizontally when there are too many tabs
Search-as-you-type always starts from the current position
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Updated Russian translation | thanks to ACherepkov1989
Updated Turkish translation | thanks to selimsumlu
Updated Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to 5idereal
Updated French translation | thanks to Juknum
Known Issues
Instant injection mode is currently incompatible with scripts that require local files
A crash may occur when 'Always use Private Browsing Mode' is enabled in Firefox. It is recommended to either disable this setting or downgrade to version 4.19.0
Introduced support for userscript editing at vscode.dev with the Tampermonkey Editors extension
Enabled downloading of cloud backups
Resolved issue with active script count when an embedded frame is removed
Corrected automatic detection mode of the option 'Add GM functions to this or window'
Fixed disappearing 'Yes' value of the 'Modify existing content security policy headers' option
Corrected GM.download(url, name) functionality
Fixed GM_setValue for binary content
Resolved issue with broken userscript link in stack trace
Fixed multiple execution of menu command listeners
Ensured GM_deleteValue deletes values in the background
Enhanced the storage editor to display undefined values
Resolved issues caused by document.write
Performed internal cleanup and rework in preparation for manifest v3
Improved visualization of blacklisted scripts
Updated ESLint to version 8.32.0
Enabled cloneInto, exportFunction and createObjectIn in @sandbox JavaScript mode
Resolved issue with XML viewer when Tampermonkey is enabled
Fixed node argument of GM_addElement in @sandbox JavaScript mode
Improved mobile dashboard view
Fixed export functionality on mobile devices
Ensured GM_openInTab's setParent option works within containers
Closed popup menu after click on Android
Enhanced script installation on Android
Meet Tam, your new assistant for getting started
Display more site icons per script
Search within the editor as you type
Ensure editor search results are scrolled into view
Add confirmation for script deletion in the dashboard when trash is disabled
Ensure TamperDAV script change detection works regardless of boot order
For WebDAV usage, append a trailing slash to collection names as per the specification
Resolve issues related to enabling and disabling sync
Localized extension name and description
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Updated Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to gin3715
Updated Russian translation | thanks to Tyemak
Updated Danish translation | thanks to jhertel
Added experimental GM_info.userAgentData with all properties of NavigatorUAData and some "high entropy" values
If you encounter unreliable script injection after this update, then please check this FAQ entry.
Fix GM_unregisterMenuCommand
Fix GM.saveTab
Make @sandbox always default to raw
Make console methods enumerable again
Disable wrappedJSObject compatibility option by default
Internal rework and cleanup
Fix variable access via unsafeWindow in JavaScript sandbox mode
Fix instant injection in combination with document-start scripts
Fix communication with external pages
Fix some CSP issues by injecting the script code earlier
Fix an issue that script updates were disabled on sync triggered change imports
Chrome >= 71, Firefox >= 65
Experimental @sandbox support with possible values 'raw', 'JavaScript' and 'DOM'
  • 'raw' access means that a script for compatibility reasons always needs to run in page context. At the moment this mode is the default if @sandbox is omitted.
  • 'JavaScript' access mode means that this script needs unsafeWindow access. At Firefox a special context is created which should also bypass all remaining CSP issues. Execution in page context is used as fallback at other browsers.
  • 'DOM' access mode means that the script only needs DOM and no direct unsafeWindow access. If enabled these scripts are executed inside the extension context or at any other enabled context otherwise.
Add an option to configure available sandbox modes
Warning: Any option that enables 'DOM' mode is potentially unsecure. Userscripts that run in extension context have almost full extension permissions and can even modify and install new userscripts.
Remove document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ...) delayed event dispatching for document-start scripts executed later than the event
Remove toSource object prototype compat option
Allow GM_xhr streams to be canceled
Add GM_xhr.upload.onprogress support
Add some more entries to the download file extension whitelist
Add GM_download.details.conflictAction (works only in browser API mode)
Fix @resource SVG handling
Add some more editor shortcuts
Remove GM_setTab in favor of the documented GM_saveTab call
Allow script tabs to be closed via middle mouse click
Add a close button to the header of some more dialogs
Fix script toggle element if darker theme is enabled
Add Macedonian translation | thanks to EntityPlantt
Add Hellenic (Greek) translation | thanks to panos78
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to iskandarma
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to DavidBrazSan
Update Russian translation | thanks to vanja-san
Add an access token revoke button to some more cloud storage types
Note: make sure to sign out from the service first if you want to login with another account.
Show script sync log messages at the settings page
Dropbox: avoid upload of identical content
Use userScript API to execute userscripts
Add container ID to GM_info
Fix script counter at file URLs
Fix sandbox window to have Object.prototype properties
Make GM_xhr multi-account container aware
Fix issues with heavily increased page loading time caused by some scripts or @requires
Allow drag and drop inside the editor again
Try to fix script loading issues caused by 'too much recursion'
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to SiderealArt
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Danish translation | thanks to will2022
Fix iframe issues
Minor internal cleanup
Sandbox improvements
External @require and @resource content is not updated by default anymore unless the script was updated
Improved compatibility for userstyles installed as userscript
Add an option to control whether to bind GM API functions to the userscript's execution context and sandbox window (and do it by default only if necessary)
Details: Enabling this makes it very easy for a userscript to accidentally leak its granted powers to the page
Treat @include a little bit more like @match if :// is present and add an option to control @include's behavior
Details: Many script developers expect @include *://tmnk.net/* to match pages at tmnk.net only, but it also matches https://example.com/?http://tmnk.net/.
To improve this, @includes that contain a :// are now interpreted a little bit different. Every * before :// now only matches the URL scheme. Also, if :// is directly followed by a * or a / somewhere, then the first * or all until / are applied to the hostname only.
Fix encoding of userscript file and URL imports
Show script and external resources size in dashboard
Show last updated time as relative time if within 4 weeks or as absolute date otherwise
Fix darker theme quirk
Fix favicons with transparent background
Improve editor menu if advanced editor is disabled
Add a localStorage option to manually disable the linter worker if importScripts force reloads the page
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to xiaopangju
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to dnknn
Update Hindi translation | thanks to Yash-Singh1
Update French translation | thanks to omerien
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Russian translation | thanks to wvxwxvw
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to ndbiaw and SiderealArt
Allow userscript installation via drag and drop to options page also in case local file access is disabled
Fix prototype confusion in sandbox mode
Fix GM_getValue and GM_xmlhttpRequest response prototype confusion
Fix GM_setValue and include enumerable array values of the prototype chain as well
Fix sandbox window to have Object prototype methods agin
Fix custom ESLint config
Add known globals to editor auto-suggestion again
Make @connect * work with requests to IPs and hostnames (like localhost) again
Allow GM_getValue to return undefined as value
Improve JavaScript scriptlet support via @unwrap tag
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest to forward status and statusText in fetch mode once available
Fix some rare exceptions happening in the wild
Sandbox improvements
Make cloud service re-authentication without user intervention less disturbing
Use up to ES2022 for linting if supported by the browser
Update ESLint
Fix several issues with older browser versions
Fix cookies overwriting in anonymous GM_xmlhttpRequest mode
Add a global and a per script setting to choose whether to run in incognito tabs
Replace worker based image cache to avoid problems at some browsers
Fix some userscript injection issues
Add some more audio formats to the download file extension whitelist
Use higher resolution if Google's favicons service is used
Always log an error at the page console if a @require or @resource couldn't be loaded
Improve GM_xmlhttpRequest event timings and make response readable on request errors as well
Make GM_notification.highlight focus the window as well
Make trash configurable (on/off/session only)
Fix issues caused by extremely delayed setTimeout(..., 0) calls
Add MouseEvent/KeyboardEvent argument to GM_registerMenuCommand callbacks
Add a focus method to the return value of GM_openInTab
GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseType 'stream' support
Make import from URL support zip, JSON and plain userscript files
Show an internal notification in case of an available extension update only
Add more second level domains (for .tld)
WebDAV improvements
Fix opening of zero byte externals
Internal rework and cleanup
Fix sometimes failing access to response when GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseType is set to 'document'
Fix script positioning via drag and drop
Decrease extension size by removing jQuery dependency
Shift key + mouse click based multi select
Validate @grant as well as header tags in general
Fix storage 'reload' button and add 'reset'
Fix ESLint to allow top-level await
Warn on userscript header entries that are not prefixed by exactly one space
Use eslint-plugin-userscripts to highlight userscript header issues
Show localized userscript name and description if available where possible
Dark mode improvements
Prefer an explicit set @name:en over @name
Update page title if script is renamed by save
Keep CRLF line endings on edit
Fix TamperDAV double sync issue
Add a button to force a sync
Fix unnecessary repeated exports
Trigger sync on move to trash
Add GM_notification.highlight support
Fix 'promise out of scope' warning
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest authentication via user and password (including fetch mode)
Fix factory reset
Fix a continuing script execution problem of scripts running on browser start
Fix GM_notification sometimes not using the given image
Fix a sandbox issue which caused DOMContentLoaded being fired after the load event
Fix GM_setStyle/GM_addElement of document-start scripts in case of very early script execution
Fix responseText property if GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseType was set
Fix GM.notification(text, title, image, onclick)
Speed up script execution check
Improve Sandbox
Internal rework
Update Vietnamese translation | thanks to IoeCmcomc
Update Russian translation | thanks to wvxwxvw
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to CaveNightingale, Vstory and xiaopangju
Update Russian translation | thanks to vanja-san
Update French translation | thanks to omerien
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Fix popup menu being to large sometimes
Fix script export at Android
Fix script export Desktop versions if containers are used
Fix minor darker theme quirk
Fix tab layout issue at very high zoom-levels at MacOS and Windows
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest made from container tabs
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Make Tampermonkey context menu entry configurable
Improve topbar announcements to not hide existing messages
Userscript Search integration (search on popup menu entry click, on popup menu open or always)
@antifeature support
Sandbox fixes
Speed up injection
Speed up and fix handling of large GM_xmlhttpRequest responses
GM_xmlhttpRequest data might be available at readyState 3 now
Add option whether to import script data and/or externals
Fix SHA-256 calculation for sub-resource integration (SRI) check of some files
Add Userscript menu commands to the page's context menu
@run-at context-menu scripts now require a @require or @match statement(like all other scripts)
Allow experimental GM_addElement to operate on shadow DOM
Update CodeMirror editor to version 5.58.2
Update JSZip to 3.5.0
Improve search bar to not hide script content
Add option to automatically highlight selected or hovered words
Fix the 'Find Next' button after search was opened
Fix flashing layout shift if an @include's favicon can't be loaded
Remember the last chosen cloud storage at the 'Utilities' tab
Make the 'Dashboard' item's alt action (Ctrl+Click, middle or right mouse click) open it with the current tab's URL as filter
Add script trash
Add script removal entry to popup menu
Add a default @icon tag showing the domain's favicon if a URL is available
Add an option to add the current domain to the blacklisted pages list
Add a reload button to the script storage tab
Update darker theme | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Make GM_xmlhttpRequest not send Tampermonkey's origin by default
Top-level await support
Add Danish translation | thanks to will2022
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to xiaopangju
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to asthzh
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to ff98sha
Fix script export if many or large scripts are installed
Make @match hostname and scheme case insensitive by default
Update ESLint
Use ES2020 for linting if supported by browser
Allow downloads to subfolders again
Experimental window.onurlchange support
Disable automatic script update on script modification
Dark theme update
Update Arabic translation | thanks to naqqo6i
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to ReksaTresna
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Fix @run-at context-menu at some pages and after scripts were enable or disabled
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest exceptions related to responseType 'document' and 'text'
Fix fetch-based GM_xmlhttpRequest.details.revalidate
Improve @connect permission request handling
Fix GM.notification promise never being resolved
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest.abort and GM_download.abort
Make limited host permissions work for redirected GM_xmlhttpRequest requests
Fix setting GM_download.details.headers
Enable @run-at context-menu
Fix issues if browser is started in private mode
Fix extension shortcut support
Improve OneDrive request error handling
Fix Yandex.Disk authentication
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Allow tab size configuration
Chrome >= 59
Fix script execution at CSP secured pages
Fix script execution at service worker cached pages
Make GM_cookie/GM_xmlhttpRequest always use the source tab's cookie store ID
Fix GM_info.isIncognito by showing a per tab value
Fix GM_download of blob objectURLs
Fix GM.setClipboard
Fix GM_deleteValue
Replace experimental GM_addScript by GM_addElement support to workaround page CSP issues
Add option to entirely remove CSP if userscripts are supposed to run
Add .co.za to .tld list
Show incognito mode warning at script installation and import pages as well
Add script update item to editor file menu
'Darker' theme update
Update Vietnamese translation | thanks to IoeCmcomc
Update Ukrainian translation | thanks to toplinden
Add ESLint rule id to error messages
Update ESLint
Allow to derive custom linter config from eslint:recommended
GM_xmlhttpRequest.onloadend support
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest.overrideMimeType of anonymous requests
Fix GM.getTab and GM.getTabs
GM_xmlhttpRequest: Fix protocol-relative URLs
GM_xmlhttpRequest: Fix reported status of requests in progress
Add robustness to sandbox creation
Allow plain scripts to be imported via file import as well
Add script version to tab description
Fix WebDAV credentials being used for import and export
Accept more WebDAV server URLs formats
Improve popup menu layout when warnings or hints are shown
Fix several editor search issues
Speed up script search
Change backup file name to avoid character issues with some WebDAV servers
Fix an issue that some remote source code changes were not applied correctly
Update Serbian translation | thanks to zoranzoki21
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to austin-chang
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to Azhe403
Fix file export when download mode is set to 'disabled'
Make badge icon text color configurable
Chrome >= 45
Add GM_info.isFirstPartyIsolation
Allow scripts to be recognized more easily at the developer tools
Internal cleanup and speedup
Fix an issue that user *cludes caused script update confirmation dialogs
'Darker' theme update
Fix an popup menu issue when GM_registerMenuCommand is executed
Allow scripts to be removed via editor menu
Fix GM_notification.onclick being called too often
Improve incognito tab handling
Avoid 'normal' mode cookies being sent via GM_xmlhttpRequest from incognito tabs
Fix an issue with very long view-source: URLs
popup menu scrollbar fixes
Fix mobile view
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to austin-chang
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Fix sometimes empty popup menu
Fix crash in FF < 58 if WebDAV, Dropbox or Yandex.Disk sync is enabled
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Relax minimum Firefox version to 52
Fix some popup menu scrollbar issues
Improve storage cleanup
Dark theme including OS support
Scroll tab view content instead of page
Fix version number based sorting
Check for unsaved changes before tab close/reload | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Add an option to enable/disable scripts at their settings tab
Always show 'Search' and 'Add new script' popup menu items
Add .co.nz to .tld
Update FileSaver.js
Allow more GM_xmlhttpRequest headers to be modified
Make GM_xmlhttpRequest.finalUrl available on progress events as well
Fix GM_openInTab.close when the tab is currently moved
Internal improvements, cleanup and speedup
Fix sometimes not working second level domain check
Implement GM_notification silent option
Fix GM_notification onclose listener
Make GM_notification user interaction mandatory if possible
Yandex.Disk support
Add script synchronization using OneDrive
Add a button to revoke Google Drive access tokens
Use refresh tokens for less Google Drive re-authorization requests
Note: you need to revoke existing access tokens at the utilities tab to make use of this
Add Belarusian translation | thanks to bogachenko
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Russian and Ukrainian translation | thanks to bogachenko
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to hsuan1117
Update Vietnamese translation | thanks to vigov5
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to ReksaTresna
Re-enable persistent storage in incognito mode
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest onabort callback
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest blob response type property
Speed up script execution after iframe reload/navigation
Fix an issue where uBlock Origin prevents script execution
Add a more obvious (Ctrl+Click or middle mouse click) way to edit scripts from the popup menu
Outline executed but inactive scripts at the popup menu
Require unlimitedStorage permission (-> FF >= 56!)
Fix tab creation with parent ID at Android (Dashboard, GM_openInTab, ...)
Fix cloud services authentication
Update Russian and Ukrainian translation | thanks to bogachenko
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Allow multiple @webRequest tags
Sandbox fixes
Support SHA-256 subresource integrity hashes independently of the browser's crypto API
Fix popup script execution reporting
Fix GM_webRequest redirect via from/to
Better userstyles.org userscript support
Fix a memory leak when using GM_xmlhttpRequest which could lead to crashes
Recognize and warn on reduced runtime host permissions
Status message and notification cleanup
Fix GM_openInTab.name
Allow repeated space at some script header tags (author, namespace, copyright)
Speed up @include regexps by optimizing .*.*
Compress zip archives again
Remember script storage export setting
Show menu commands below the userscript entry at the popup menu
Fix missing option to set WebDAV sync credentials
Don't show script updates if the user is active or a fullscreen window is present
Enable section save button on changes only
Update Spanish translation | thanks to TBM13
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Russian translation | thanks to bogachenko
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to ReksaTresna
Add Dutch translation | thanks to The947thTokay
Update French translation | thanks to zek0faws
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to Azhe403
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to PeterDaveHello and cedarkuo
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Hungarian translation | thanks to hubalazs
Update Spanish translation | thanks to rocammo
Update Hungarian translation | thanks to hubalazs
Fix sync to TamperDAV
Improve WebDAV protocol compatibility for NextCloud support
GM_cookie support
Fix script externals import issues
Fix import from zip files with folders
Use https for all links to tampermonkey.net
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseType 'document' support
Allow script editing via external editor by using TamperDAV
Reduce memory footprint (by doing less caching)
Add GitLab subgroup support
Add several .com.* 2nd level domains
Increase WebDAV protocol compatibility
WebDAV based cross-browser sync (beta; tested with OwnCloud and TamperDAV)
Minor layout refresh
Fix blurry icons
Avoid popup menu flicker on GM_registerMenuCommand usage
Update dark theme | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Add narcolepticinsomniac's dark theme matching editor layout
Make the script filter bar work if its visibility is enforced via Custom CSS
Allow ESLint inline configuration again to make globals definition work
Import and export of external resources (@resource and @require)
Replace zip.js by JSZip
Fix an internal cache related problem which could have caused data-loss
Invert (and fix) meaning of the case-insensitivity search option
Further search bar improvements
Allow the editor button bar to be restored via Custom CSS
Set ESLint ECMAScript version according to the browser's capabilities
Disable inline ESLint config if unsupported (Chrome+MS Edge)
Fix script installation from local files
Fix spinning wheel on canceled downloads
Fix JSON-file-based script export
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Japanese translation | thanks to ScratchBuild
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to efreedev
Add Croatian and Serbian translation | thanks to faultyfuse
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Add Hindi translation
Update Russian translation | thanks to Dr-Yukon
Update Turkish translation | thanks to ali-demirtas
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Lint in background for more editor responsiveness
Limit displayed script name length
Update CodeMirror to version 5.35
Rework editor search
Add popup menu option to exclude a script from a domain
Remember scroll position on tab switch
Create a new beta channel
Make Instant Injection more reliable
Switch from JSHint to ESLint 4.19.0
Clean GM_tabs data on tab close
Fix script externals update
Dropbox based cross-browser sync (beta)
Add a lot of editor commands to the menu
Add .co.th to .tld
Update French translation | thanks to zek0faws
Whitelist data: URIs at CSP secured pages
Fix GM_download events sometimes being fired too early
Fix an issue which could break page scripts
Avoid update requests to Greasyfork scripts with a pinned version
Fix GM_notification click listener
Fix GM_download progress events
Fix GM_download.abort
Fix issues if GM_openInTab.name= or GM_openInTab.close was used at more than one tab
Fix script opening when right-clicked at the popup menu
Increase editor responsiveness
Fix script editor
Fix script update setting saving
Fix display of SVG icons
Better @downloadURL none support
Minor script install page fix
Allow script source code to be searched as well
Editor menu
Fixes related to the modified script close icon
Fix script storage editor to not reset to its initial data on every tab selection
Add Vietnamese | thanks to Connor37
Update Russian translation | thanks to BychekRU and irainman
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Norwegian translation | thanks to LarsSimonsen
Update Czech translation | thanks to engycz
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to DhannyNara
Update Arabic translation | thanks to Alayady
Update Russian translation | thanks to BychekRU
Fix homepage icons linking to the same URL after a script was closed
Avoid issues with very long script version strings
Fix enabling and disabling Tampermonkey via popup menu
Fix page loading issues | thanks to Zord123
Fix page encoding issues
Fix GM.openInTab setParent option
Make userscripts appear at developer tools
Align all script names horizontally
Show a different close icon if a script was modified
Make @require and @resource feature icons a link to the script's externals tab
Simplify script bug report buttons
Fix tab/browser crashes maybe caused by redirects
Work-around browser freezes when opening view-source: pages
Some CSP related fixes
Speed up sandbox creation
Make @require and @resource content editable (if applicable)
Fix fetch-driven GM.xhr with partial content
Add an option to control script local file access
Add userstyles.org as known script source and add includes on installation if no @include is set
Allow window.name to be set in sandbox mode | thanks to Mahab
Ensure script installation after navigation to unparseable userscripts fails silently | thanks to adaugherity
Reverse the alignment of the on/off slider to match the common direction
Fix internationalized names at the popup menu, tab titles and document titles
Reduce the default popup menu column count to one
Replace stale icons by Font Awesome icons
General layout refresh
Regression: Fix missing feature icons on item row re-creation | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Fix misaligned table cell borders | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Allow script installation from local file even without native file access
Enable local file access (needs to be enabled for scripts separately)
Fix 'Save to disk' button
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to DhannyNara
Increase script retrieval timeout
Workaround script API issues caused by an erroneously missing global scope
Fix zip file export
Mobile view improvements (i.e. via Firefox Android or Yandex Browser)
Update spinner
Fix some GM.API names and make more functions return promises
Add Turkish translation | thanks to alidemirtas94
Fix an issue with `GM_setValue` and certain characters | thanks to tiansh
Android compatibility
Add a favicon to all extension tabs
Workaround issues if dom.storage.enabled or cookie storing is disabled
Workaround issues if privacy.resistFingerprinting is enabled | thanks to Tobi and supermox
Fix ZIP and file export at Windows machines
Fix middle and right-button click at the popup menu
Update Chinese | thanks to zzjin and wangyou
Really add Norwegian translation | thanks to DandelionSprout
Update Dropbox OAuth URL
Add a title to all extension tabs
Support more content types (i.e. SVG)
Fix source being displayed on script installation even without editor focus
Dark theme improvements | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Improve script https access detection
Slight dark theme adjustments
Add alt text to images
Dark theme | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Allow scripts to be sorted by their enabled state
Add DuckDuckGo favicon service
Remove script type column in case there is no native extension
Add fold all support to the editor
Fix a CSP issue
Update manifest to use icons from the extension package
Make a preferences button appear at the about:addons page
Fix a CSP issue which could prevent script execution
Fix backup file download
Fix GM_setClipboard
Hide the popup menu size workaround at FF >= 50
Add browser.command support
Increase minimum version to 48
Update Polish | thanks to hawkeye116477
Update Arabic translation | thanks to atefBB
Update Chinese | thanks to ivysrono and yfdyh000
Update JSHint to 2.9.5
Add blob: and data: protocol support to `GM_xmlhttpRequest`
Sandbox fixes
Log a warning if checking a script's includes/excludes takes longer than one second
Improve experimental `Instant Injection` mode
Allow scripts to run at RSS feeds
Fix an issues that prevents scripts with a '@' character in name from being updated 🙄
Don't treat manually installed themes as native scripts
Improve `@resource` mime type detection
Use a timeout for change detection at script updates
Handle cloud storage service timeouts
Fix internal crashes
Fix issues at secured iframes
Fix an issue which could break page scripts
Add `GM_*` API usage stats
Experimental `Instant Injection` mode
Fix issues at Chrome < 58
On script updates show all changes additionally to the new source
Fix the editor save button
Fix script positions after synchronization run
Update CodeMirror editor to version 5.26.0
Add option to auto trim trailing whitespace from modified lines on save
Fix script tags with optional ISO 3166 country code (i.e. `@name:zh_CN`)
Don't ask for a donation if Tampermonkey wasn't started for a long time 😳
Don't show a *clude-changed warning if scripts are saved
Google Drive based cross-browser sync (experimental)
Deprecate old sync options (pastebin and brower sync version 1)
`GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseType` 'document' support
Make `GM_openInTab` support the `setParent` flag
Add com.mx to .tld
Show a topbar announcement at the dashboard if a new Tampermonkey version is available
Warn on possibly dangerous `@connect`, `@include`, `@match` and `@exclude` changes | thanks to nux
Experimental ``GM_webRequest`` and `@webRequest` support - please discuss this API here
Fix icon setting at Chrome < 53
Allow `GM_xmlhttpRequest` headers to get deleted (by setting to null)
More icon improvements, re-add some transparency
Fix the Alt+Up/Down hotkeys being used twice
Fix keyboard shortcut help page at MacOS
Add Arabic translation | thanks to ahmadmysra
Wait up to 15 seconds for a ask page response to fix issues due to slow or busy computers
Move the browser sync button reset to the sync section
Fix the icon looking blurry sometimes
Add Indonesian translation | thanks to DhannyNara
Update Polish translation | thanks to hawkeye116477
Fix blank popup menu issue
Make GM_download support all common details properties at FF >= 52
Experimental: Enable browser sync at FF >= 53
Fix issues at some pages
Make sure all config is written before reloading
Fix issues at nightly builds
Use Alt+Up/Down to jump to the prev/next tab
Simple script storage editor
Allow all browsers to use synchronization
Allow script update servers to signal unchanged content
Add GitLab and Bitbucket support
Avoid some 'Unchecked lastError' warnings | thanks to tophf
Add Portuguese translation | thanks to Sara F.
Update Polish translation | thanks to hawkeye116477
Add some more keyboard shortcut commands, but don't use a shortcut by default
Update Polish translation | thanks to hawkeye116477
Add an option to add custom CSS to the Tampermonkey UI
Add an option to disable the update check on a script base
Allow scripts to run at XML pages | thanks to Thom1729 for the slight lead
Fix some sandbox functions (set/clearTimeout/Interval and add/removeEventListener) to properly handle unusual arguments
Use "stickering" to improve the icon visibility at dark themes
Log `@require` related errors at the page console
Fix some rare internal exceptions
Update Korean translation | thanks to KENNYSOFT
Add ZenBurn editor theme
Visual bookmark support
Fix CSP related issues
Fix GM_notification
Enable webRequest support at Firefox 52+ to fix many GM_xmlhttpRequest related issues (finalUrl, cookies, ...)
Fix missing popup menu icon at internal tabs
Improve the workaround of Chrome issue 649942
Fix `GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseHeaders` to contain 'Set-Cookie' items as well
Add Korean translation | thanks to KENNYSOFT
Workaround Chrome issue 649942
OS X: Workaround Chrome issue 457887
Fix an issue that can prevent scripts from working when Chrome starts
Make xhr response headers available at readyState 2 and higher
Add time and browser to backup names
Fix relative URL handling
Add some `auxclick` event listener to recognize middle mouse clicks at Chrome 55
Re-design the `fast script injection mode` (disabled by default)
Remove the experimental `fast script injection mode`, because it causes problems with iframes even when disabled
Fix script execution at reloaded/navigated iframes
Fix sync issues of script comment properties
Fix doubled include/exclude editor dialogs
Make * include file URIs as well
Update the ES6 script template
Fix running script instance count again
Fix some internal errors
Add more criteria to the dashboard search
Make the search case insensitive
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to wenketel
Update Spanish translation | thanks to leoncastro
Fix doubled running script instance count | thanks to zanetu
Fix issues when unloading iframes | thanks to zanetu
Options: Allow script list filtering (name, @include, comments, ...)
Add some more hotkeys (Ctrl+a to select all scripts, Esc to clear the filter)
Make the 'fast' script injection option the default
Allow installation of scripts without any @include and `@match` again
Editor: fix some issues when moving lines
Firefox: fix extension reload for version 51 and above
Experimental: add an option to speed up script injection
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to gqqnbig
Allow script selection at the import dialog (Ctrl+click toggles all)
Experimental: Add an option to allow communication with cooperate pages (i.e. allow script hosters to detect Tampermonkey and query whether a script is already installed)
Fix issues when handling large dataset
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to Cp0204
Fix cloud storage authentication
Fix some cloud storage related issues
Minor internal fixes
Safari: fixes for the Safari developer edition
Make the CSP modification option work again
Allow backup and restore with cloud storages (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive)
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to TobySkarting
Update Czech translation | thanks to d3jv
Remove autodetection of some compatibility options
Minor internal fixes
Update JSHint to 2.9.2
Chrome >= 31
Fix the sandbox on{event} properties
Fix the editor replace code and show which part of the script text is going to be replaced
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to lychichem
Update saveAs to 1.3.2
Firefox: fix GM_download
Firefox: fix drag and drop script positioning
Fix cancelation of `GM_xmlhttpRequest` requests (not completely working in fetch mode)
Use a fallback in case the page CSP wasn't relaxed (disabled setting or cached page)
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to oliveirafabio
Firefox: make the manifest Firefox 47 compatible
Fix a problem at CSP secured cached pages
Fix font size issues at Firefox
`GM_xmlhttpRequest.data` FormData support (Chrome 51+ or Firefox required)
`GM_xmlhttpRequest.url` now supports Location and URL objects
Fix `GM_xmlhttpRequest` response header format if fetch (== anonymous) is used
Speed up script injection at cached pages a little bit
Safari: fix a problem with some iframes
Fix issues at Chrome 52
Fix sometimes occurring exceptions if 'debug scripts' is enabled
Support Base64 encoded SRI hashes
Disable spell-checking at input fields
Fix two minor internal crashes
Log the error message if `GM_xmlhttpRequest` failed due to @connect
Make `@grant none` supersede all other @grants again | thanks to terjanq
More `document.write/document.open` fixes
Allow script installations from Github release download URLs
Firefox: workaround issue 1215025 by setting a minimum popup menu size
Fix issues when `document.write` was called
Log `@connect` error messages at the request source tab
Always allow `GM_xmlhttpRequest` to access same-origin URLs
Fix `GM_xmlhttpRequest.fetch/anonymous` encoding
Fix `@connect` + relative URLs
Download meta data from the source URL if `x-userscript-meta` is supported
Fix a minor options page issue when scripts were updated manually
Editor: Fix the replace button
Fix an issue that sometimes the update check could enter an endless loop
Fix the script update to request meta information first again
`GM_xmlhttpRequest.headers.cookie` support
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to JasonHK
Editor: add line break option
Make sure the common console is used if `@grant none` is set
Improve the main domain detection of `@connect` dialogs
Automatically measure the script runtime when the script debug option is set
Remove deprecated 'strong mode'
Fix freezes at long data URIs
Fix some names at exported ZIP files
Enable JSHint esnext option by default
Fix `@run-at context-menu`
Fix an issue that could cause data loss on scripts that trigger the `@connect` dialog twice (due to a redirect) and both times 'Always allow' is choosen | thanks to CptPicard
Update Slovak translation | thanks to emitor
Add an additional edit button for every script
Fix a drag and drop positioning issue
Start and stop drag and drop via mouse up/down and auto-scroll when reaching a border
Fix a problem that caused the script update check to run only on startup
Fix Portuguese-Brazil translation (now used by default if appropriate)
Fix issues with `GM_getTabs`, `GM_getTab` and `GM_saveTab` being undefined
Safari: workaround a popup menu size issue
Fix a CSP issue that could prevent script execution
Make `GM_addStyle` ignore CSPs
Fix internal crashes
Show warnings at the options and install page for (partially) blacklisted scripts
Workaround an popup menu layout issue at Windows when DirectWrite is disabled
Add more `@connect` related translations
Fix sometimes empty editor tabs
Translate some `@connect` related strings
Fix a sometimes wrong .tld interpretation
Minor layout improvements
Once one script is selected allow selection via Shift+Up/Down
Improved script enabler
Layout beautification
Allow scripts to be renamed without a forced tab close
Avoid warning messages at Chrome 50
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to lychichem
Reload @externals when a script is updated, but use the browser cache
Fix relative local requires at remote drives
Require at least one @include or `@match` statement to make a script run
Script factory reset batch method
Safari: More popup menu beautification
Simple (non-advanced) editor improvements and fixes
Check @connects for pure second level domains
Fix entries at the externals tab
Request meta data and externals with the `no-cache` option set
Yet another console fix
Update Spanish translation | thanks to franciscocorrales
Safari: Fix popup menu background color
Require a `@grant` statement in order to access GM_* functions
Secure `@connect` statements (Allow specials, domains, IPs or localhost)
Fix `GM_xmlhttpRequest` binary mode encoding
Fix enhanced editor
Update Czech translation | thanks Petr T.
Update Czech translation | thanks Petr T.
Editor: don't interpret search strings besides the regular expression syntax
Translate some CodeMirror editor internal strings as well
Safari: fix sometimes occurring exceptions
Make the disabled state icon semi-transparent
Fix console.info
Safari: fix i18n for some languages
Initial Firefox support (FF 46+ required)
Layout fixes for Chrome 50