Tampermonkey® by Jan Biniok

Recent Changes

Microsoft Edge
Disable notifications, because they're crashing Microsoft Edge
Don't use Ctrl+Shift+E hotkey by default
Re-enable persistent storage in incognito mode
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest onabort callback
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest blob response type property
Speed up script execution after iframe reload/navigation
Fix an issue where uBlock Origin prevents script execution
Allow multiple @webRequest tags
Sandbox fixes
Support SHA-256 subresource integrity hashes independently of the browser's crypto API
Fix popup script execution reporting
Fix GM_webRequest redirect via from/to
Better userstyles.org userscript support
Fix a memory leak when using GM_xmlhttpRequest which could lead to crashes
Recognize and warn on reduced runtime host permissions
Status message and notification cleanup
Fix GM_openInTab.name
Allow repeated space at some script header tags (author, namespace, copyright)
Speed up @include regexps by optimizing .*.*
Compress zip archives again
Add a more obvious (Ctrl+Click or middle mouse click) way to edit scripts from the popup menu
Outline executed but inactive scripts at the popup menu
Remember script storage export setting
Show menu commands below the userscript entry at the popup menu
Fix missing option to set WebDAV sync credentials
Don't show script updates if the user is active or a fullscreen window is present
Enable section save button on changes only
Fix cloud services authentication
Fix sync to TamperDAV
Improve WebDAV protocol compatibility for NextCloud support
Update Russian and Ukrainian translation | thanks to bogachenko
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Spanish translation | thanks to TBM13
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Russian translation | thanks to bogachenko
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to ReksaTresna
Add Dutch translation | thanks to The947thTokay
Update French translation | thanks to zek0faws
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to Azhe403
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to PeterDaveHello and cedarkuo
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Hungarian translation | thanks to hubalazs
Update Spanish translation | thanks to rocammo
Update Hungarian translation | thanks to hubalazs
GM_cookie support
Fix Dropbox import and export
Fix script installation page if no theme was explicitely set
Fix internal exceptions if scripts from GitLab were installed
Microsoft Edge
Workaround crashes on @require and @resource retrieval
Fix script externals import issues
Fix import from zip files with folders
Use https for all links to tampermonkey.net
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseType 'document' support
Allow script editing via external editor by using TamperDAV
Reduce memory footprint (by doing less caching)
Add GitLab subgroup support
Add several .com.* 2nd level domains
Allow ESLint inline configuration again to make globals definition work
Import and export of external resources (@resource and @require)
Replace zip.js by JSZip
Fix an internal cache related problem which could have caused data-loss
Increase WebDAV protocol compatibility
WebDAV based cross-browser sync (beta; tested with OwnCloud and TamperDAV)
Minor layout refresh
Fix blurry icons
Avoid popup menu flicker on GM_registerMenuCommand usage
Update dark theme | thanks to narcolepticinsomniac
Add narcolepticinsomniac's dark theme matching editor layout
Make the script filter bar work if its visibility is enforced via Custom CSS
Invert (and fix) meaning of the case-insensitivity search option
Further search bar improvements
Allow the editor button bar to be restored via Custom CSS
Set ESLint ECMAScript version according to the browser's capabilities
Disable inline ESLint config if unsupported (Chrome+MS Edge)
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Japanese translation | thanks to ScratchBuild
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to efreedev
Add Croatian and Serbian translation | thanks to faultyfuse
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Add Hindi translation
Update Russian translation | thanks to Dr-Yukon
Update Turkish translation | thanks to ali-demirtas
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update French translation | thanks to zek0faws
Add Vietnamese | thanks to Connor37
Update Russian translation | thanks to BychekRU and irainman
Update Norwegian translation | thanks to LarsSimonsen
Update Czech translation | thanks to engycz
Update Indonesian translation | thanks to DhannyNara
Update Arabic translation | thanks to Alayady
Update Russian translation | thanks to BychekRU
Lint in background for more editor responsiveness
Limit displayed script name length
Update CodeMirror to version 5.35
Rework editor search
Add popup menu option to exclude a script from a domain
Remember scroll position on tab switch
Add a lot of editor commands to the menu
Fix script update setting saving
Fix display of SVG icons
Better @downloadURL none support
Minor script install page fix
Allow script source code to be searched as well
Editor menu
Fixes related to the modified script close icon
Fix script storage editor to not reset to its initial data on every tab selection
Align all script names horizontally
Show a different close icon if a script was modified
Switch from JSHint to ESLint 4.19.0
Clean GM_tabs data on tab close
Fix script externals update
Add .co.th to .tld
Whitelist data: URIs at CSP secured pages
Fix GM_download events sometimes being fired too early
Fix an issue which could break page scripts
Avoid update requests to Greasyfork scripts with a pinned version
Fix GM_notification click listener
Fix GM_download progress events
Fix GM_download.abort
Fix issues if GM_openInTab.name= or GM_openInTab.close was used at more than one tab
Fix homepage icons linking to the same URL after a script was closed
Avoid issues with very long script version strings
Fix GM.openInTab setParent option
Make userscripts appear at developer tools
Dropbox based cross-browser sync (beta)