Tampermonkey® by Jan Biniok

Recent Changes

It is necessary to enable developer mode to run userscripts via Tampermonkey now.
Instructions on how to enable it can be found here.
Fixed an GM_xmlhttpRequest issues with non-ASCII header values
Fixed support for script installation via drag-and-drop in any browser tab
Speeded up UserScripts Dynamic Mode to support real document_start
Made @sandbox DOM mode work again
Fixed another GM_xmlhttpRequest cookie issue
Switched to Manifest V3
Enabled GM_cookie for all versions (HttpOnly cookie access still only at the beta versions)
Added partitionKey support to GM_cookie
Added cookiePartition support to GM_xmlhttpRequest
Added a warning message when a script without @include and @match entry is saved the first time
Fixed storage change listeners after clicking a download link
Fixed issues with GM_registerMenuCommand if the command was registered multiple times (e.g. from different frames)
Show an error icon at scripts without any @include and @match entry
Manifest v3 requires a different workflow when installing a userscript
Note: you can restore the old behavior, by changing Userscript URL detection to Legacy
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Known Issues
GM_webRequest is not (yet) supported in Manifest V3
GM_xhr fires only one progress event (you can use responseType stream for now)
In UserScript API Dynamic mode scripts that are using a RegExp @require cause overhead by being injected into every frame
It will soon be necessary to enable developer mode to run userscripts via Tampermonkey.
Instructions on how to enable it can be found here.
This release includes significant updates for future Manifest V3 compatibility. Please report any issues here.
Introduced a permission editor for enhanced management of host permissions
Updated GM_download to make the name parameter optional and implemented extraction from the response headers
Removed use of deprecated DOMNodeInserted and MutationEvent events
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert