Tampermonkey® by Jan Biniok

Changements récents

It is necessary to enable developer mode to run userscripts via Tampermonkey now.
Instructions on how to enable it can be found here.
Switched to Manifest V3
Fixed the configuration of script positions via drop down menu
Setting sandboxed window.location now navigates via background context
Fix GM.cookie.list() to resolve also if called without an argument
Allow GreasyFork's install button to update correctly after moving a script to the trash
Fixed issue with listening for menu command access keys
Resolved issue where GM_registerMenuCommand entries reappeared until clicked
Fix relative externals in @require and @resource
Resolved issues with protocol-relative URLs in GM_xmlhttpRequest
Ensured GM_xmlhttpRequest retains specified request headers during redirects
Resolved issue with back navigation on the intermediate script installation page
Resolved issues with cloud functions on the options page
Corrected the sorting of menu commands after updates
Added @run-in support
Added a setting to control whether GM_cookie should be able to access HttpOnly cookies
Fixed sometimes wrong GM_xmlhttpRequest response header separator
Added button to force update externals
Fixed header-derived filenames in GM_download
Fixed occasional incorrect response headers in GM_xmlhttpRequest
Added multi-value support for storage methods
Fixed GM_xmlhttpRequest.finalUrl to include hash components again
Tag support
Reworked counting of executed script instances
Enhanced back/forward cache navigation handling
Fixed an GM_registerMenuCommand issue with non-letter accessKeys
Fixed another GM_xmlhttpRequest cookie issue
Fixed several GM_xmlhttpRequest cookie issues
Fixed storage change listeners after clicking a download link
Fixed issues with GM_registerMenuCommand if the command was registered multiple times (e.g. from different frames)
Enabled GM_cookie for all versions (HttpOnly cookie access still only at the beta versions)
Added partitionKey support to GM_cookie
Added cookiePartition support to GM_xmlhttpRequest
Added a warning message when a script without @include and @match entry is saved the first time
Updated Ukrainian translation | thanks to click0
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Ukrainian translation | thanks to Postrediori
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Fixed saving of checkbox and text inputs via the save button
Fixed opening menus at the popup by clicking the name
Added a button to disable script updates at the update dialog
Improved editor search functionality
Fixed code selection near the top and bottom of the editor
Fixed editor height issue in mobile views
Show an error icon at scripts without any @include and @match entry
Enhanced parallel execution of GM_xmlhttpRequest
Fixed Dropbox, OneDrive, and WebDAV sync to correctly write userscript source code
Improved WebDAV sync performance
Fixed @noframes support in dynamic userScripts mode
Resolved additional MV3 GM_xmlhttpRequest issues
Fixed disabling Tampermonkey in dynamic userScripts mode
Fixed auto page reload functionality in dynamic userScripts mode
Resolved issues with external page connectability being intermittently unavailable
Addressed occasional failures in script registration in userScript dynamic mode
Streamlined the script installation process for a smoother experience
Fixed an GM_xmlhttpRequest issues with non-ASCII header values
Fixed an issue that made some local file URLs inaccessible
Fixed support for script installation via drag-and-drop in any browser tab
Speeded up UserScripts Dynamic Mode to support real document_start
Made @sandbox DOM mode work again
Added some robustness to the service worker start by gracefully handling some more errors
Fixed GM_download sometimes downloading files in wrong encoding
Fixed an issue with language selection
Fixed popup menu update
Fixed dark mode detection
Switched to Manifest V3
Fixed synchronization issues with WebDAV
Improved script installation to not download the script content in parallel anymore
Note: you can restore the old behavior, by changing Userscript URL detection to Legacy
Known Issues
GM_webRequest is not (yet) supported in Manifest V3
GM_xmlhttpRequest fires only one progress event (you can use responseType stream for now)
In UserScript API Dynamic mode scripts that are using a RegExp @require cause overhead by being injected into every frame
Script installation is kind of clumsy because the script content is downloaded in parallel
Introduced a permission editor for enhanced management of host permissions
Updated GM_download to make the name parameter optional and implemented extraction from the response headers
Removed use of deprecated DOMNodeInserted and MutationEvent events
Fixed an issue with the url property of GM_notification when no onclick listener is set
Updated GM_download to initiate downloads in parallel again
Resolved a failure when accessing xhr.responseXML of HTTP responses
No longer displaying script modification conflict warnings when there's no conflict
Resolved an issue with Instant Injection mode when a script requires a local file
Addressed problems related to script installation from certain Gitlab URLs
Removed warning about script updates being disabled upon script modification
Resolved multiple internal issues to prevent potential crashes
Corrected the functionality of window.showDirectoryPicker
Enhanced detection of new GreasyFork script URLs
Introduced id parameter in GM_registerMenuCommand to update existing commands
Added tag in GM_notification to overwrite existing notifications
Incorporated url property in GM_notification to open a new tab on click (can be cancelled by onClick event via preventDefault)
Notifications now automatically close when the userscript unloads and neither a url nor a tag was specified
Adjusted GM_download to prevent frequent triggering of onload
Refined version number parser to support ISO format dates
Note: As a result of this change, 1.0-0.3 is now considered a lower version number than 1.0
Overhauled aspects related to Instant Navigation
Accepted user-defined globals in ESLint configuration
Enhanced sandbox window addEventListener to support EventListenerObjects
Introduced a title option to GM_registerMenuCommand
Introduced feature to append script version number during disk save operations
Content-security-policy (CSP) directives are no longer relaxed by default
  • In Chrome, script injection should function as usual, but some userscripts may depend on a relaxed CSP
  • In Firefox, if the page CSP blocks injection, userscripts are now injected into a JavaScript-mode @sandbox, which may require cloneInto and friends for unsafeWindow property modification
  • The previous behavior can be reinstated by setting 'Modify existing content security policy (CSP) headers' to 'Yes'
  • This change aids in better adherence to the Mozilla add-on development policies
Locally modified scripts are not automatically updated, but can now be manually updated and confirmed for reversion
Introduced an option in GM_registerMenuCommand to prevent automatic closing of the popup on click
Corrected GM_xmlhttpRequest FormData key-value order
Adjusted ESLint to permit top-level await
Resolved BSD issue caused by incorrect getPlatformInfo response
Updated Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Updated Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Updated Danish translation | thanks to jhertel
Updated Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to PaperStrike
Updated Russian translation | thanks to adem4ik
Updated Vietnamese translation | thanks to IoeCmcomc
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to maboroshin and shirayuki
Updated Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Updated Russian translation | thanks to ACherepkov1989
Updated Turkish translation | thanks to selimsumlu
Updated Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to 5idereal
Updated French translation | thanks to Juknum
Restored the application of custom CSS to installation pages
Fixed quirks in the darker theme
Repaired the 'Sync Now' button
Corrected the 'Save To Disk' button in the editor
Corrected 'replace all' functionality in code editor for certain strings
Enabled 'Sync Now' and 'Sync Reset' only after changes have been saved
Corrected script search badge mode to display accurate numbers
Implemented horizontal scrolling for tabs when the quantity exceeds the display limit
Search-as-you-type now consistently starts from the current position
Implemented anonymous requests for WebDAV to prevent overwriting of browser sessions
Fixed WebDAV-based sync in cases of unexpected existing folder structures
Reworked to reduce some authentication requests
Adjusted popup menu behavior when the page is viewed as a 'shortcut'
Eliminated warning message 'Tabs cannot be edited right now'
Chrome >= 71
Additional fixes related to document.write
Fix the active script count when an embedded frame is removed
Fix issues when document.write was called
Fix cookies response headers if GM_xhr.redirect is set to manual
Fix automatic detection mode of Add GM functions to this or window
Add GM_xhr.redirect option support with one of follow, error or manual as possible value
Remove GM_info.userAgent in favor of GM_info.userAgentData with all properties of NavigatorUAData and some "high entropy" values
Fix disappearing 'Yes' value of the 'Modify existing content security policy headers' option
Fix GM.download(url, name)
Add experimental GM_info.userAgent
Fix GM_setValue with binary content
Fix sometimes broken userscript link in stack trace
Allow cloud backups to be downloaded
ESLint updated to 8.32.0
Fix menu command listeners sometimes being executed multiple times
Fix GM_deleteValue to really delete values also in background
Make the storage editor show undefined values as well
Internal cleanup and rework for manifest v3
Internal rework and cleanup
Disable wrappedJSObject compatibility option by default
Fix GM_unregisterMenuCommand
Fix GM.saveTab
Make @sandbox always default to raw
Make console methods enumerable again
Fix @resource SVG handling
Allow GM_xmlhttpRequestsstreams to be canceled
Add some more entries to the download file extension whitelist
Add GM_download.details.conflictAction (works only in browser API mode)
Add GM_xmlhttpRequestsupload.onprogress support
Add .webp to the download whitelist
Add some more editor shortcuts
Experimental @sandbox support with possible values 'raw', 'JavaScript' and 'DOM'
  • 'raw' access means that a script for compatibility reasons always needs to run in page context. At the moment this mode is the default if @sandbox is omitted.
  • 'JavaScript' access mode means that this script needs unsafeWindow access. At Firefox a special context is created which should also bypass all remaining CSP issues. Execution in page context is used as fallback at other browsers.
  • 'DOM' access mode means that the script only needs DOM and no direct unsafeWindow access. If enabled these scripts are executed inside the extension context or at any other enabled context otherwise.
Add an option to configure available sandbox modes
Warning: Any option that enables 'DOM' mode is potentially unsecure. Userscripts that run in extension context have almost full extension permissions and can even modify and install new userscripts.
Remove document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ...) delayed event dispatching for document-start scripts executed later than the event
Remove toSource object prototype compat option
Fix issues with heavily increased page loading time caused by some scripts or @requires
Introducing Tam, your helpful assistant for getting started
Confirm script deletion in the dashboard if the trash is disabled
Show more site icons per script
Search editor as you type
Assure editor search results are scrolled in view
Improve visualization of blacklisted scripts
Allow script tabs to be closed via middle mouse click
Add a close button to the header of some more dialogs
Fix script toggle element if darker theme is enabled
Show script sync log messages at the settings page
Allow drag and drop inside the editor again
Fix active script count not being reset on tab reloads
Avoid showing a warning message at almost all tabs
Show a localized extension name to Chinese users
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Localize extension name and description
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to gin3715
Update Russian translation | thanks to Tyemak
Add Macedonian translation | thanks to EntityPlantt
Add Hellenic (Greek) translation | thanks to panos78
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to iskandarma
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to DavidBrazSan
Update Russian translation | thanks to vanja-san
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to SiderealArt
Update Danish translation | thanks to will2022
Make TamperDAV script change detection work regardless of boot order
When using WebDAV, add a trailing slash notation to collection names as suggested by the spec
Fix issues regarding enabling and disabling sync
Don't disable script updates on sync triggered change imports
Add an access token revoke button to some more cloud storage types
Note: make sure to sign out from the service first if you want to login with another account.
Dropbox: avoid upload of identical content
Support userscript editing at vscode.dev if the Tampermonkey Editors extension is installed
Minor internal cleanup
Sandbox improvements
External @require and @resource content is not updated by default anymore unless the script was updated
Improved compatibility for userstyles installed as userscript
Add an option to control whether to bind GM API functions to the userscript's execution context and sandbox window (and do it by default only if necessary)
Details: Enabling this makes it very easy for a userscript to accidentally leak its granted powers to the page
Treat @include a little bit more like @match if :// is present and add an option to control @include's behavior
Details: Many script developers expect @include *://tmnk.net/* to match pages at tmnk.net only, but it also matches https://example.com/?http://tmnk.net/.
To improve this, @includes that contain a :// are now interpreted a little bit different. Every * before :// now only matches the URL scheme. Also, if :// is directly followed by a * or a / somewhere, then the first * or all until / are applied to the hostname only.
Fix encoding of userscript file and URL imports
Show script and external resources size in dashboard
Show last updated time as relative time if within 4 weeks or as absolute date otherwise
Fix darker theme quirk
Fix favicons with transparent background
Improve editor menu if advanced editor is disabled
Add a localStorage option to manually disable the linter worker if importScripts force reloads the page
Update Turkish translation | thanks to Tmp341
Update Japanese translation | thanks to shirayuki
Update Portuguese-Brazil translation | thanks to igorruckert
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to xiaopangju
Update Chinese (simplified) translation | thanks to dnknn
Update Hindi translation | thanks to Yash-Singh1
Update French translation | thanks to omerien
Update Italian translation | thanks to bovirus
Update Russian translation | thanks to wvxwxvw
Update Chinese (traditional) translation | thanks to ndbiaw and SiderealArt
Allow userscript installation via drag and drop to options page also in case local file access is disabled
Fix prototype confusion in sandbox mode
Fix GM_getValue and GM_xmlhttpRequest response prototype confusion
Fix GM_setValue and include enumerable array values of the prototype chain as well
Fix sandbox window to have Object prototype methods agin
Fix custom ESLint config
Add known globals to editor auto-suggestion again
Make @connect * work with requests to IPs and hostnames (like localhost) again
Allow GM_getValue to return undefined as value
Improve JavaScript scriptlet support via @unwrap tag
Fix GM_xmlhttpRequest to forward status and statusText in fetch mode once available
Fix some rare exceptions happening in the wild
Sandbox improvements
Make cloud service re-authentication without user intervention less disturbing
Use up to ES2022 for linting if supported by the browser
Update ESLint
Fix several issues with older browser versions
Fix cookies overwriting in anonymous GM_xmlhttpRequest mode
Add a global and a per script setting to choose whether to run in incognito tabs
Replace worker based image cache to avoid problems at some browsers
Fix some userscript injection issues
Add some more audio formats to the download file extension whitelist
Use higher resolution if Google's favicons service is used
Always log an error at the page console if a @require or @resource couldn't be loaded
Improve GM_xmlhttpRequest event timings and make response readable on request errors as well
Make GM_notification.highlight focus the window as well
Make trash configurable (on/off/session only)
Fix issues caused by extremely delayed setTimeout(..., 0) calls
Add MouseEvent/KeyboardEvent argument to GM_registerMenuCommand callbacks
Add a focus method to the return value of GM_openInTab
GM_xmlhttpRequest.responseType 'stream' support
Make import from URL support zip, JSON and plain userscript files
Show an internal notification in case of an available extension update only
Add more second level domains (for .tld)
WebDAV improvements
Fix opening of zero byte externals
Internal rework and cleanup
Fix script positioning via drag and drop
Decrease extension size by removing jQuery dependency
Shift key + mouse click based multi select
Validate @grant as well as header tags in general
Fix storage 'reload' button and add 'reset'
Fix ESLint to allow top-level await
Warn on userscript header entries that are not prefixed by exactly one space
Use eslint-plugin-userscripts to highlight userscript header issues
Show localized userscript name and description if available where possible
Dark mode improvements
Prefer an explicit set @name:en over @name
Update page title if script is renamed by save
Keep CRLF line endings on edit
Improve scrollbar layout in dark mode
Fix TamperDAV double sync issue
Add a button to force a sync
Fix unnecessary repeated exports
Trigger sync on move to trash